Saturday, March 11, 2023

Setsubun, Valentine's Day, Covid, California Trip

 Setsubun, Valentines Day, Covid, Family Trip to California...

Ahhh February, the start of a really fun month!

We decided to celebrate a Japanese holiday "Setsubun" where where you throw dried soybeans (we used peanuts in the shell) at the "Oni" monsters while yelling "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!" It means, "Out with the bad, in with the good," or something like that, and is celebrated at the beginning of the year.  We colored Oni masks out of cardstock and the kids had fun throwing peanuts at the Oni.

May is taking gymnastics...
By far the most flexible girl I know!!!

Tim took a break from his 5:00 am Chinese tutoring lessons, and we celebrated Valentine's Day with breakfast in bed and later that night, we had a Valentine's Day party dinner with all the kids.

We had chicken alfredo, broccoli and sparkling cider for dinner and then frosted heart shaped cookies and played games.

Eric brought some yummy macaroons, all different flavors.  What a fun treat!!!

Tim headed to Las Vegas for a few days for an educator's conference with about 8 other Waterford teachers and administrators.

We learned something new!

We found out a little background history for the beautiful wooden carvings hanging above our windows.  They're called "Ranma" in Japanese.  They are a work of art in the form of wooden panels with intricately engraved scenery that are attached between the ceilings and the lintels of two adjoining rooms.  Some are made of Yakusugi cedar which is hard to come by nowadays.  We are grateful to have this from Tim's parents. it's beautiful!

After three years of being able to dodge Covid, LaNae finally caught it, and Luke followed suit shortly after.  The others managed not to get it after taking precautions (quarantining, cleaning everything and using ultraviolet lamps).  Uncle John told us about the ultraviolet light that kills germs and so we got a lamp and sterilized the rooms during the night while everyone was asleep. LaNae and Luke missed a week of school and work.

Amy, her cousin Rachel, and a few friends went on a camping trip to Bryce Canyon.  They enjoyed the adventure.

LaNae finished serging and then hemming several more white tablecloths for the Stake Relief Society.

Luke went to the special needs activity program where they sang songs, frosted Valentine cookies, made crowns and valentine's cards.

We've been planning a big trip to California, including meeting up with Eric's family and the day finally arrived!

Eric's kids came over Monday night and ate a quick bite of dinner before heading to the Salt Lake International airport for departure.

Tuesday morning, the nine of us left with Eric's car (his family was planning to return to the Provo airport) on Breeze airlines (Provo), and I must say I was impressed with the smaller family friendly airport.  We got a great deal on ticket prices to California too.  Hooray!!!

It was early, and it was cold, but everyone was excited and pleased to have some together time.

Wesley loved watching the workers de-ice the wings of the plane.

We sat in the back of the plane and Luke enjoyed looking out the window, especially the take off and landing. 

We landed at the John Wayne International Airport and picked up the 12 passenger van.

Eric's family spent Tuesday at Disneyland and we headed out for a beach day... 
We picked up an air mattress from Walmart and drove to Balboa Pier.

It was fun to take the ferry to Balboa Island

We found this cute little playground that the boys enjoyed playing at while we had some good talk time

We grabbed some lunch at this cute little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant.  It was yummy!

Then we explored some more before heading to pick up some wet suits that Brian had rented so that we could swim in the ocean with the air mattress...

Tim had to teach a UVU class at 3:00 pm, so we got cleaned up and headed to Fashion Island.  
We shopped while he taught his class from the van!

Then we checked into our airbnb and were delighted to find it had lots of toys for the kids, as well as a washer and dryer that we put to good use!

We wanted to see the sunset over the ocean, so we had dinner at Ruby's Diner located at the end of Balboa Pier...

Delicious, and what a view!!!

Then we headed back to the airbnb to get a good night's rest for the next day's festivities...
California Adventure Land!!!

Helping Uncle David move...

Our first home just south of BYU campus (Tim happened to drive past it while helping David move)

David moved into a new place

There were some new adjustments made at the temple

Luke's favorite feast...gyoza!!!

And he likes whole wheat spaghetti too!

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