Halloween is coming soon!
We are getting loads of potatoes from our garden! It is work to dig them out, but this is the first time I've ever tried raising potatoes and they did quite well this year, so we will probably try them again next year.
Mindy's mother was visiting here from Oklahoma, so we had her, Kit, Shana and their family, Mindy and Eric, over for dinner and Family Home Evening. We had a lesson on the Conference talk of the General Authority who was in Ukraine for awhile (I LOVE that talk!), and then we made apple uglies. They turned out awesome.
Amy and Sophie went to a Halloween party at Hannah and Heath's house. Amy dressed up as Kip from Napoleon Dynamite and Sophie dressed up as Lori when she was pregnant with Sophie (same dress!). Amy went to Sundance with Brielle and they rode the tram. Amy also went to Lagoon with Sophie on Saturday. Todd has been working quite a bit. He is saving a lot for his mission. He took the ACT test on Saturday. He did well on his last test, but we are hoping this one will be even better!
I took Luke to Special Needs Mutual on Thursday, I let him take a blanket in, and he walked right in there, sat down and stayed the whole time! This is HUGE! I've taken him several times before and he wouldn't even get out of the car. They were having a talent show. It was wonderful. One girl sang "The Miracle of Love" and it made me tear up it was so beautiful.. There were several dance numbers, art, etc... It was really fantastic. They are having a Halloween party next week. Luke's costume came in the mail and he loves it. He is Mario this year!
Tim has been winterizing the house, fixing the roof, etc... He was involved in a Stake Emergency Communications test on Saturday. It went smoothly.
We are enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Luke has been out on the zipline quite a bit having fun. I LOVE this time of year!
We went to Amy's YW in Excellence. They had a nice program, slide show, posters, and yummy refreshments!
We went to Amy's YW in Excellence. They had a nice program, slide show, posters, and yummy refreshments!