Luke's graduation day, Measuring the littles, Online school, Extended family Zoom calls...
Luke's actual graduation day was Friday, May 22nd at 3:00 pm
We met at the school with the other graduates in his class, each family in their own vehicle
When we got to the front of the school, Luke got out and his teacher, Mrs. Gifford, took him over to Dr. Perkins to get his diploma. Then his teachers presented him with a present-a book, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" It was perfect for Luke!
Then we went out to get some frozen yogurt to celebrate.
Luke's family graduation party is next Thursday and then the school will have a fun fire works show for all the graduates! so nice!
We are soaking up as much Wesley as we can before they move in July! He is a sweet baby!
Luke had Seminary and Speech Therapy each week online during the school closure and Tim took him out on the tandem bike for PE time
It was time to measure each of the littles. They are growing so fast!
We have been going strong with our weekly Extended FHE Zoom calls. We've been discussing Wendell and Dale. Shauna told a hilarious story about Grandpa Wendell:
She said when her father was the Mission President in Sendai, Grandpa Robert Thomas got her some airline tickets with Frequent Flyer Miles so she could visit her parents in Japan. She drove out to California and stayed with Grandpa Wendell at their home in Anaheim. She was driving in Grandpa Wendell's big boat car with him and he was telling her how nice the people in California are, and how nice the drivers there are, and in fact, he said, "They are so nice and polite, that you don't even have to signal here when you change lanes." Then he proceeded to show her and as he changed lanes, he hit the car next to them. And then he hit it again. They pulled over and the other driver was from Europe and you could tell was very scared about being in a traffic accident in America. Grandpa Wendell told him, "Don't worry at all because I have really good insurance and it will take care of everything." They visited a bit and when they parted, Shauna said they were the best of friends! Grandpa Wendell got in several accidents before he died and even broke his nose pretty badly with one of them. Dana said she remembers her mom saying she was not allowed to ride with Grandpa Wendell.
It gives you a glimpse of his personality when he was older.
Sister Stout had transfers and is going with her companion to a little island near the Russian/Finnish border. It is a beautiful place and she is thrilled! They will still be covering their old area by smartphone. Sister Ventsova's mission was finished after extending, and so her companion is going to be with Sister Stout in a new area, and she will cover their old area too. So the three sisters will be covering three areas. They are praying that more volunteers will be able to serve soon. They are down to just a few volunteers at this point, but otherwise are doing very well.