Sunday, March 6, 2022

February Training, Valentine's Day, President's Day Weekend!

 February-Training, Valentine's Day, President's Day...

Brian starting W off early to develop delayed gratification skills with the classic marshmallow test!

We got a bit of snow in February.  We need much much more!

Tim got me a dozen roses and we went to Baskin Robins for Valentine's Day since is was our 31st Valentine's Day since we met!  We also watched a fun, romantic movie.

Catching up downstairs

This little guy has us smitten!

Sunday dinners and making the Sabbath a delight.  

We went to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple

M has been pleading for G to come over for months now, so I finally relented and gave R a call and sure enough, she was free to come over!  The girls had so much fun and L did as well, playing with the cupcake set, Barbie doll house and L's pocket monster toy.

Cutest kids!

So proud that they are finally big enough to fit in a booster seat!

My friend Cori, gave me some yummy Idaho pancake mix and Blueberry syrup for my birthday and we busted it out for a yummy breakfast one Saturday morning-so good!!!

Leland is an awesome guitar player

Our nephew gave his farewell talk and we got to watch it this time.
He is leaving soon to serve in the Florida mission.

Luke discovered pomelos at the grocery store and thinks they are the best thing ever!
They smell divine! 

Luke loves getting French fries.  He doesn't always eat them, but he loves driving to get them!

We finally got to go to Los Hermanos for Amy's birthday celebration.
So much fun!

Russia invaded Ukraine.
We have a child who served in Ukraine and a child who served in Russia and are desperately praying for peace on earth! It is a very scary time!

Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point
This place was a favorite!

For President's Day this year, we spent the day with the Choate kids and had so much fun!

We went to the Planetarium in Pleasant Grove

The kids loved it!

Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point

Sunday dinners

Making homemade gnocchi

Just chillin'

Planning M's birthday

We went to Eric's so the kids could play together
They loved playing dress ups!

CH8 got a new presidency and we met for training.
It was neat getting to know them!

Throw back picture to my parent's wedding day which was February 8, 1964