October started off with General Conference...
Devon (coming down from BYU-I) stayed the weekend.
Brian and Chloe's family joined us for the Saturday session...
We had our traditional tin-foil dinners picnic between sessions
Eric's family came for the Sunday session
So many great talks, and 18 new temples were announced!
Conference is the best!
We'd been wanting to see Aunt B in Willits, Ca for so long, so we decided in the summer to just put it on the calendar and do it. We went for Tim's fall break and it was fantastic!
The Bonneville Salt Flats was on the way, and if you go to the Salt Flats,
you simply have to take pictures-
We worked it out so that we arrived on the dot at 11:00 am
Aunt B was there to meet us and she took us out to lunch at the Loose Caboose Cafe-
It was delicious!
Seabiscuit (the famous racehorse) is from this area,
and there was a wall of pictures of Seabiscuit at the cafe
Next, we met P & D and their grandkids and we hopped on the Skunk Train...
There was an amazing live entertainer who has been singing and playing instruments on the train for 30 plus years, and now his son works on the train too! Boy, he did a great job!!!
He knows so many songs about trains!
The last car in the train was a flatbed with no seats or windows and so it was a great place to take Luke
We had so much fun visiting and watching the beautiful scenery
At the end of the line, we were able to get out and pick out a pumpkin to take home
We got a good first taste of the majestic Redwoods and they did not disappoint!
The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the train ride so much...
Next we headed to Aunt B's place...
We met her cute little dog, Cooper.
He's been part of the family for 16 years-
Such a sweet companion!
We went to P's football game and they ended up winning by a lot!
They will get to play in the championship games!
We headed back to Aunt B's. Here are a couple of neat works of art that Grandpa Wendell made-
A wood carving of a coat of arms, and a beautiful painting...
Aunt B made us the yummiest waffles, maple syrup, strawberries and whipped cream breakfast
She has a pretty neat, high tech fridge! We enjoyed having Alexa play music and drawing on the screen!
We headed out to see beautiful - and several very old redwoods
This stunning tree is 1800 years old!
And this spectacular tree that is so big, you can actually drive a car through it, it 2400 years old!
This area is famous for the legend of bigfoot
And for panning for gold...
Luke loved being around the redwoods so much!
We stopped for lunch at an outdoor cafe that had live music...
We found this cute little souvenir from the gift shop to bring home
They had so many fantastic carvings and they were in different styles too!
We stopped at a quiet secluded park and took a walk around the redwoods-
Such a strong spirit there!
Back at Aunt B's, Tim and I took a walk around her place
The last time we visited was for a family reunion 28 years ago
At that time, for one of the activities, we planted baby redwood trees
Now those trees have grown huge
Here is a picture of them...
So pretty!
Later that night, the whole family came over and P & D cooked the yummiest BBQ-
hamburgers, baked beans, pasta salad, melon, chips, dip, pumpkin pie.
It was delicious!
We headed back the next morning and drove all day 'til we got home.
It was a trip never to be forgotten.
So glad we were finally able to go!
Luke started hitting a bit and LaNae had several meetings with teachers.
Finally we settled on getting one to one aides to help him with prevention.
It seems to be working better-whew!
Sundays with grandkids, so fun!
May started reading and she is quite good at it!
We had a fall break sleepover with the kids
And we got to see our cute baby A-love him so much!
LaNae watched the grandkids so B, C, L & a could go to Evermore
This was hangin in their cute duplex...
They really had a blast!
The land of pretend
LaNae took L on an Alpine Loop drive for fall break
Pictures don't hardly do it justice-this is on the American Fork Canyon side, but the Sundance side was particularly stunning. Such vibrant colors! Wish I would have gotten a picture, but I was driving...
Amy took a quick trip up to Rexburg to visit cousins and old roommates...
Luke had fun at SNAP-it was a pirates theme!
We took a long, lovely walk on the Murdock Trail behind Smith's for FHE...
Amy got the bug to do a refresh in the bathroom and she got a new shower curtain, liquid soap dispenser and baskets. We moved the picture downstairs and brought up this one that matches better.
W and C came over for some pumpkin painting...
W is quite a little artist...
Oh man, what a cutie!
He loves to mix the colors all together...
L painted a pumpkin too and A painted Kiki the witch...
C is an amazing artist too!
Little C and Ji
C got some help from Ji (Ojisan) with his pumpkin
May is getting to be a great reader!
Lincoln and Grandpa are great at building with blocks!
It was crazy hair day at school and L got his hair touched up with a bit of blue (his favorite color)!
May and Lincoln came over for some pumpkin painting and play
May and Grandma did some yoga
May painted "May and Amy" on her pumpkin
Lincoln had fun mixing the colors to see what new colors they made
Our kind neighbors across the street brought us some bountiful harvest from their garden!
They are from Singapore (where Tim got to go over the summer).
We found out that Tim's book was translated into Russian and is being sold under a different publisher.
One of Amy's friends in Russia sent this picture to her. Hmmmmmmmm...
Luke got some exercise jumping on the trampoline
Trip to the temple
We found this excavator on our morning walk and had to send W a picture ...
We had our Stake Fall Women's devotional with a great speaker
and then refreshments-using chocolate fountains
LaNae went to a bridal shower for one of our friends in the ward
They had several fun games:
He said/She said
Guess who said it? Bride, Groom or Both?
I said "I love you" first
I initiated the first kiss
I am an early bird
I take longer tio get ready
I spend more money
I'm the neat one
I'm a better cook
I was the first one to bring up marriage
I usually say "I'm sorry" first
I'm a better driver
I'm a better dancer
I'm the funny one
I met the in laws first
I will cry on the big day
I'm more romantic
Bridal Shower Bingo
Before the gifts are opened, fill in each square with gifts you think the bride-to-be will receive, the first person to get 5 in a row wins!
What's in your purse?
Check your purse for items on the list. The person with the most points wins.
The winner will need to display each item as proof!
1 Point
Cell phone
Credit card
Drivers license
$1 bill
5 points
Gum, mint or cough drop
Hand sanitizer
Lip balm
10 points
Business card
Candy or chocolate
Energy bar
Water bottle
And a yummy luncheon
Our neighbors have made some huge changes to their house and they put in a xeriscape lawn-
pretty cool!
Morning walks...
Sunday fun
Halloween 2022
A was "Disgust" from the movie, "Inside Out"
It's hard to see in this picture, but her hair was quite green...
Sunday dinner...
W said, "I'm a steam roller!" Ha!
We had a cute little pack of "Soot Sprites" come over for Halloween!
Wrestling and reading...
This little guy stole the show!
So cute!
So fun! Love them so much!!!
For L's Halloween celebration, we took him on the Heber Valley Pumpkin Train...
He loved it!
It was fun on the train with music, games and a pumpkin spice cookie!
Luke was Batman this year for Halloween
Lincoln was a construction worker
Tim and Amy went with Brian and Chloe to take the kids trick-or treating around our neighborhood.
It was quite festive with neighbors out around a bonfire passing out hot dogs, hot chocolate, others with cotton candy from their cotton candy machine. We didn't get a lot of trick or treaters this year. We may need to step it up a notch!
Another Halloween for the books!