Stouts in Japan (the 3rd generation), Soccer, Mother's Day...
Take one last look at this girl's long locks...
She decided to cut her hair...

She went with her friend, Sophie, and got it cut. It looks so cute!!
For FHE, we decided to go for a hike at Rock Mouth, up to the waterfall...
It was great to spend some fun time with Brian and Chloe right before their trip...
Brian got his first report card from BYU. He took some hard classes...
All A's except for one B--way to go Brian! And Chloe for working hard so Brian could have time to study! Chloe took an online class and she got an A too!!!
Luke went to speech therapy...
Rick and Kelsee came over with their two cute kids to say good-bye to Brian and Chloe...
Miss May never disappoints with giving the biggest hugs...
What a sweetie she is...
And Lincoln is as sweet as can be!
Brian and Chloe's plane left rather early.
Tim took them to the airport and they were off for their adventure in Japan!
Brian is doing a summer internship-
It will be an experience of a lifetime!
Luke had his first soccer tournament. He was goalie.
He woke up early that day and was so excited to go.
And after about three hours, he was done. But he had a really fantastic time...
And now for the best Mother's Day present ever, I GOT TO TALK WITH TODD (and John) by Skype for Mother's Day!!! It was the BEST! He looks so good. They both had on matching mission ties from the mission president. It was great to get to visit with him for a short while. He bore his testimony in Japanese and it sounded amazing! He is doing so, so good!!!
Happy Mother's Day to my own amazing mother. She raised all ten of us kids with tenacity and determination to help us succeed in life. I'm grateful for her strong spirit and example!!!
Love you Mom!!!
Thank you!!!
Stouts in Japan-the Third Generation...
Also grateful to my mother-in-law and for her courageous spirit to brave a foreign country with her six little ones. She had an abundance of love to give for so many and I'm also grateful for her example!
Brian and Chloe arrived safe and sound.
Kazuko had stocked their refrigerator and pantry with a week's worth of groceries-so very nice!!!
They went to the Tokyo temple.
They visited Hachiko (the dog statue at Shibuya station)
They ran into Keiko at the Hiroo train station. They attended church at Senzoku-ike (our old ward). When they got to church, Carl Mukete told Brian that he was missing Tim and the spirit told him he would see a Stout at church that day. He said Tim changed his life. Actually, they became close friends when Tim tutored Carl on a weekly basis to help him get ready for a big entrance exam. Carl is from Cameroon and he is a spiritual giant. So awesome to reconnect with him and his family again!
We went on a 5 mile hike on the Murdock Trail, around Highland Glen Lake
and back to Mitchell Hollow Park
Tim got the Mother's Day flowers for the Relief Society sisters at church this year. He got geraniums and cherry tomato plants
My Mother's Day breakfast in bed was waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, omelet, and hot chocolate-yum!
Todd got to work on a rice field in Japan!