Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sister Stout is settling in!, For Family Home Evening, we took the train to Provo and back...

Amy is settling in to the MTC.  She loves her district and zone.  They are from all over the world (London, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, etc...)

 Luke LOVES the train!

Baby Beckham Blake was born on January 30th, one day before my birthday!

Leland made this cookie jar in his ceramics class years ago, but I had to post it because it is one of my favorite things!

Birthday dinner and then we rearranged our rooms!  We put Luke in Leland's old room and then we made Luke's old room into an office/sewing room.  Can't wait to get it all organized and ready to go!

Aunt Cindy watched Luke for us and we went to the temple, then out to dinner-so fun!

Birthday breakfast-blueberry pancakes with walnuts yum!

Luke went to Zumba and we ran into McKell!  It was awesome to see her again.  Her care worker told us she watches a video of Amy coming in and saying "Hi McKell" almost every day.  so sweet!

 We had a nice turn out for Sunday dinner...