At the start of 2020...
This is the first book that LaNae read in 2020 (It became available at the library RIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS)-ha! And Luke took his dad to see the Star Wars movie. He made it through the whole show!
We got the sad news that Tim's Uncle Don passed away. Luke was itching to take a trip so we got two hotel rooms in Boise and picked up David and headed up there on Sunday night. The funeral was on Monday morning. Luke loved the hotel of course. Tim took him swimming.
The Navy came and had the sweetest honor guard ceremony. They played the most beautiful rendition of "Taps" and she said it is a song they play at the end of every day and they play it at the military member's funeral to represent their last days of work on the earth. It was so tender!
Donnette was presented with the flag. The family has lost three members this past year-Aunt Nadeen last November, and then Tim's cousin James passed away on the way home to Indiana from her funeral.
And now Uncle Don.
We got to see Grandma Shaffer who looked so good for her 103 years!
This is Grandma shaffer with Uncle Don's big sister Carla who is 89 years old...
Wendy has been suffering from kidney stones and had to go to the hospital to have them removed
We had fun with May and Lincoln making sushi and playing downstairs in the playroom...
May found a Garfield book that Uncle Steven had given to her daddy for his birthday...
Brian and Chloe came over for dinner and we got a three generation picture!
Our nephew Elder Beus who is on a service mission was on the front page of the Lehi Free Press...
Ruth Kelly asked me how to tie an obi and she asked if I had any pictures in a memories!
For New year's Eve, Brian and Chloe came over and we played games until about 10:00 pm. They left and then later, Sister Stout called us from Russia and we were able to welcome in the new year with her-a special treat!
Tim got some fun noise makers!
The next day on January 1st, we went to Rick and Shauna's new house and had a tour. Then we played "Cover Your Assets" and "Uno Flip"-- Both super fun games!