Words of Wisdom

Consistency trumps motivation!

The priceless  lesson in the New Year is that endings birth beginnings and beginnings birth endings and in this elegantly choreographed dance of life, neither ever find an end in the other.  Craig D. Lounsbrough


Studies upon studies show that caregiving systems (families) dramatically influence the development and emotional well-being of children.

To me this reaffirms the the beauty of ‘BEING THERE” for our children, emotionally, physically, mentally.

Mothers are incredibly powerful. (Sometimes I need a good reminder of that when I’m feeling invisible…does anyone else feel that way sometimes??)

Oh, I have lots more to say about that attachment theory at some point, but for now I just want to talk about one of my favorite take-aways from the class:

I LOVED the theory of the “welcoming response.”

My class talked about how important a positive “welcoming response” is for children: for caregivers (usually a mother) to light up when their child comes into a room.


The art of starting a conversation:

A simple formula: Make an observation, then ask a question.

  • Bring up something you observe:  "I love your Michigan hat.  Are you from there?"
  • Look for commonalities:  "did you say you used to be a lifeguard?  Me too!"
  • Find connection: "I think I recognize you from middle school.  Did you go to KJH?"
  • Share a compliment:  "Your solo was incredible.  Do you take private lessons?"
  • Be honest:  "I've never taken CE classes and feel super overwhelmed.  Have you done them before?"
Brooke Romney

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