Saturday, February 22, 2020

Facetime with Amy, Winter Storm, May and Lincoln come over and make paper dolls...

We look forward to Facetiming with this girl each week-always a delight!!!

Some fun pictures of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg...

We got more snow, but so far only one snow day for school.  A semi had to be towed into Peck Park.  The roads were very snowy and slick!

So fun to have the grandkids all together!

Luke sure enjoys playing with slime...

This little guy brightens our day with his smiles...

Brian and Luke


We decided our master bedroom was due for a refresh so we painted the back of grandpa and Grandma stout's shoji screen and mounted it on the wall for a headboard, bought a new three drawer bedside table (half price), new curtains, and painted Grandma Stout's desk and Grandpa Stout's end table white, and purchased some fabulous seascape art and made a shell wreath...

It could use a few more touches-framing Tim's seascape painting, navy sheer curtains to separate the master bath, matching lamps with an outlet, new bedspread and an electric fireplace with a mantle.  But those things can wait.  We are planning to put in much needed new carpet in the bedrooms, front room, and down the stairs soon-looking forward to that!

Some fun Utah County art located at the main credit union building...

Eric gave us a surprise package from Spencer, Sariah and Matt in Oklahoma-a stuffed with chocolate and candy stocking for each person in our family!  so nice!!!

Luke has a bit of senioritis and is looking forward to our next road trip...

We discovered the joy of paper dolls!  May and Lincoln have been practicing their cutting skills...

We had Kelly and Rich King over for a date night of games and visiting which was awesome, and then we watched Harriet after they left-a well-done fantastic movie about the life of Harriet Tubman.  SO GOOD!!!

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