Monday, February 24, 2020

Trip to Ikea for FHE, Choate kids and May and Lincoln come over, David comes over, Lunch with Nori...

We decided not to go to Japan in august because of the coronavirus, but instead to use the Educator prize money for new carpet, and office remodel, exercise equipment and camera equipment for Tim's website.

Tim likes the adjustable desks so you can stand comfortably or sit

 Fun and fancy seats...

LaNae painted Grandma Stout's desk white...

We had a kids night and played hide and go seek and watched a movie...

Uncle David came over for Sunday dinner...

LaNae went to lunch with Nori this week-SO FUN!!!!!

And finished this book...

Here are a few notes from the book:


1)  Don't postpone special moments.  Life is often a question of now or never.
2) Live as if this were only going to happen once in your life.
3) Dwell in the present.  Here in this moment, all the possibilities in the world are alive.
4) Do something you've never done before.  Allow something new to blossom inside you.
5) Practice quiet meditation.  The simple act of stepping away from the daily hurry and whirlwind will open the doors of wellbeing.
6) Apply mindfulness to your five senses.  Train yourself in the art of listening, touching, watching, tasting, and smelling to give each moment the richness of human perception. This will allow you to be more alert to others and increase your level of empathy and influence.
7) Notice coincidences. keep a daily journal.
8) Make every gathering a party.  With the right frame of mind, every day can be a celebration.
9) If you don't like what there is, make something different.
10) Be a hunter of special moments. The more you practice, the better and more abundant the results will be.

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