Sunday, October 20, 2019

Grandkid Delight!

It feels like we are in a transition because all of our kids (but Luke) are essentially grown and on their own.  Life is slowing down a bit and I'm trying to plan what our next goals will be.  Michelle Obama said"Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there is more growing to be done." We were always working toward's Tim's doctorate and now that he has it, we are trying to plan what the next big thing will be.

I have to admit, I am loving this stage of life where we get to see the grandkids regularly, but we are not in charge of toilet training or discipline.  We just get to love them and do all the fun, creative, bonding things in life.

It was Luke's Fall Break, so we drove down to Nephi to soak in the Fall leaves.  Luke brought along his comfy sleeping bag and I brought some fun music to listen to on the trip.   That night after Tim got home from work, we headed to the movie theater for Dora the Explorer- a enjoyable flick!

Leland was in a fun raiser race for diabetes...

They love it when Grandpa comes home!

Got to Skype with Amy which is always a highlight of the week.  She is amazing!

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