Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mom's visit, cousin power, 2017 Stout reunion at the cabin...

Uncle John and Aunt Gretchen stopped by to visit with mom.  
They had to head on down to St. George before dark, so we were glad they came by.

Brigham, Kit and Shana

Tova and Mom

Mindy's Grandmother and Eric

Amy, Sophie and Annie Grace

Molly and Garrett with baby Elizabeth

LaNae and Cousin Mark

Brian and Spencer

We had dinner and a family home evening with extended family
It was fantastic to get together again!

Tuesday Grandma Choate returned to Oklahoma. 
She rode with Mindy's grandmother, who came out to Utah for Jaxon's deacon ordination. Luke had speech therapy on Tuesday.

We left right after Luke's swimming class on Wednesday and drove down to the cabin for the 2017 Stout reunion

We arrived late and after visiting for a bit, we hit the sack.

Thursday we went to the Manti Temple. Aunt Shauna provided us with 14 temple names for baptisms and confirmation, and 5 couples for sealings. Amy, Conner, Corbin, and Issac did the baptisms. Brian, Chloe, and Cindy did the sealings. There were several tender mercies felt that day. First, the spirit was really strong. Wendy was able to come into the temple and view the baptisms and confirmation, which in her condition is HUGE! 

Also, while Brian, Chloe, and Cindy were doing the sealings, there was another group with them, and they had a TON of family names with the last name STOUT! It was perfect for the STOUT reunion! And we are probably related.

Wednesday was Uncle Rick's birthday. He's 55. Everyone signed a birthday card for him. It had LED lights and music: 'Celebrate good times, come on!" (Cool and the Gang) - haha. We drove down to the cabin and stayed there from Wednesday to Saturday.

 Friday, we made homemade waffles with strawberries, real maple syrup, and whip cream. Preston and Breanna brought up two horses, and let people take horse rides. LaNae and Brian rode them. Then...Wendy said she wanted to sit on a horse. So, with great care and lots of help she did! Then, she said she wanted to ride around a she did...for about 10 minutes! Everyone, especially Allan and Preston were touched and amazed!  It was great that she could do that!
Amber taught a fun art class

We had the annual talent show with a surprise video from Todd!!!

Friday night we all watched OSCAR and laughed our heads off! 

Saturday morning Tim, LaNae and Amy got up at six o'clock and went for a hike up the Maple Canyon Arch Trail. It was so cool. Second time in two years we did it. Last year we went with Rick and Shauna, and Trevor and Chelsey. This year it was just us. (Rick and Shauna's family left to see the eclipse) But when we got back and showed the pictures to everyone, Wendy was like, "I'm doing that next year"--and she probably will!

Amy and Eilee playing pool

Saturday morning cabin cleaning

Luke loves the swing!

Just before we left, we played a fun game of Harry Potter jelly bean roulette.  
Lime flavor or cut grass flavor anyone? 

Saturday night we got to attend the MTC open house! They just finished several new buildings and it's beautiful! It had been exactly 30 years since I was there! I enter the MTC in August 1997! So exactly 30 years. And it looked exactly the same! Except the new additions. But it was so neat walking through, and we met several Elder studying Japanese--probably some of them you will be training in the future! 

I was wondering if we knew anyone at the MTC currently, and then we bumped into Elder Colton Shaner the son of one of our friends at ASIJ! He is heading to a small island mission in the Pacific Ocean. We got a picture together, and Mom sent it to his parents today. So fun! 

My BYU freshman year room mate, Cheri and her sweet family came for dinner.  I hadn't seen her for over 30 years and it was the best to get to reconnect with her and meet her seven beautiful children.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture, but I snatched this one of them from FB ;)

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