Sunday, August 27, 2017

BYU Education Week, Eclipse, Lunch with Ca San Diego Mission Sisters, Amy asked to Homecoming, painted dining chairs...

Tim and I were at BYU Education Week the day of the eclipse.  Several people were generous about sharing their glasses so we got to see it at around 90 percent coverage.  
The temperature dropped and it made these awesome patterns in the shadows of leaves, etc.

We started out by attending Randal Wright's class on The importance of showing love in families.  Then we went to John Stoker's class on Communication.  We attended Susan Easton Black's class on leaders in early church history and what blessings happened to those who stayed faithful and what happened to those who did not. We went to a class on stress management that was fun.  They gave us biofeedback color dots and we watched the dots turn a pretty green after doing some deep breathing exercises, listening to Baroque music, smelling essential oils, looking at pictures of baby animals, etc.  We also attended a class on investment strategies that was a bit over our heads, but gave us a start.
We definitely want to attend for the whole week next year!

I took Amy and Luke to Back-to-School night and we met their teachers and came home and celebrated the start of a new school year.  Tim gave them blessings and they were ready for a fantastic year!

Luke's bus comes at 6:30 am, so it was still dark.  
Amy is driving the car that Eric and Mindy GAVE her which was pretty exciting!

On Wednesday, I had lunch at the Skyroom with several sisters from my mission (California, San Diego).  It's been about 30 years.  Kathryn gave us all jewelry for a gift.  That was sweet of her!  The two in the middle were my actual awesome companions.  The one standing next to me lived in my same apartment and we would go on splits.  It was so fun to catch up.  What a group of outstanding ladies they are!

Todd wrote this week.  North Korea launched a ballistic missile and flew over Japan, but all missionaries are safe! (Email from the Tokyo Mission Office)

1. I am fantastic!! I'm in a new workout routine that is keeping me healthy and happy! I am sure y'all know by now that my trainer from the first time on my mission randomly dropped in during church.. SO crazy to see and talk to him after so much time!! He kept saying, "It's so weird you can speak Japanese well now!" It was so much fun!
2. Our investigators are switching out weekly! We've been finding A TON and we find at least 2 new investigators every week, sometimes more.. 
3. Our week was great! Mostly finding! I love finding now. It's way fun to talk to people. I did splits this week, and that was fun! 
4. I am learning some Portuguese, but not because of study.. Mostly from just being around enough members that they just start teaching small words and phrases!
5. Brazilian branch is on FIRE. So great. L got baptized, then received the priesthood last Sunday. He is way way way fire, an awesome speaker, speaks fluent Japanese, and has dedicated himself to strengthening the branch and he DOES. He is amazing!
6. I don't know.. Lol, depends on what you call lessons, cuz we teach principles and commit hundreds of people, but maybe do 10 or so sit down lessons? 
7. I am thankful for basically being given the best opportunity to learn Japanese, which I am loving more and more and MORE! I can read most General conference talks now without a Kanji guide, obviously there are some difficult parts.. But I am loving the Japanese part of this awesome mission experience. I am gratefull for President Monson, because he is AWESOME. I am great full for O kyoudai in our Ward.

Tell Amy that she should try to send me an email in Japanese to help her practice! I will reply and she can translate it! I am sure her teacher will be way impressed! Obviously Dad can help too!
LUKE IS TAKING ASL??? I am so excited. I need to start studying, I guess. If at all possible, keep me up to date on where he is so that I can communicate with my brother if that becomes his most capable form of communication. 
That eclipse sounded insane. The next one is in 2024 in Jackson County Missouri, so we are going to that.

I painted our kitchen chairs, bench and a shelf white.

Amy was asked to Homecoming by Emma's boyfriend.  Their parents told them they had to date other people.  Smart parents-we told Amy the same thing and it has been a great thing!

There was a massive hurricane and lots of flooding in Houston Texas.  
Sending love and prayers!!!

Great Idea:  Our friends, the Beus' made these wood ramps for their cars to get them off the ground.  
Very smart!!!

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