Monday, July 13, 2020

Sister Stout is HOME!!!

This is by far the BEST thing to happen so far this year...Our very own Sister Stout finished her mission strong and was released on July 6th from her volunteer service in St. Petersburg, Russia!!!  Words cannot express the JOY to have her home.  She has a lot to figure out going forward, but for us this is BLISS and we are soaking it in!!!

 She flew from St. Petersburg to Moscow with her mission president and his wife who were also finishing up their service.  Also several Elders went too.  They had a five hour lay over in Moscow and then on to New York City, NY where she stayed in a hotel by herself overnight and then to Salt Lake City-we picked her up at around 10:30 am on Monday morning.

The catching up has been wonderful...

Wesley was born about a year ago and so she got to meet him in person for the first time...

They had the families of missionaries park in an alphabetized stall area on the second level and there we waiting in Terminal 2 for them to arrive... 

 When she came through those doors, it really was the BEST!  She is amazing in every way and it is so awesome to have her back!!!

She has a 14 day self-isolation period

 May and Lincoln came over on Friday and Saturday and we went to the park for a bit...

 Tim took them to the car wash...

LaNae and Amy went shopping for some new clothes to update her wardrobe...
Amy is STUNNING!!!

Wesley is doing this adorable "Shakespeare" reach when he wants you to hold him.  
We sure get a kick out of this little guy!

Amy surprised Blake who thought she was coming home in August.  
What great friends those two are, going back several years!

 We spent Family Home Evening at Highland Glen-so FUN!

 It was neat to have Sacrament Meeting at home with our recently released missionary.  She reported to the High Council that morning telling an experience about being prompted to contact a person on the Metro.  She did a fabulous job answering questions and is a great speaker...

 Playing on the swings at the park...