The Stout Reunion Week...
Tim will be in China for 2 weeks so we decided to celebrate Rick and May Kelly's birthday and Father's Day a bit early. We went to a just-opened Asian Restaurant. The food was delicious and we had a great time catching up.
Luke started summer school this week and his bus driver is amazing!
He LOVES it!
Tim put up the trampoline
Luke had fun playing on it...
Thursday was the first day of our fabulous Stout reunion!
We started with the gyoza party...
Took Luke to his favorite swinging spot...
Enjoying the beauties of nature...
On Thursday, we did sealings for family names at the Manti Temple
We had fun catching up and playing scategories...
We went to see the movie, "Dory"
Luke played games
We went on a fun hike with Rick, Shauna, Trevor and Chelsey to Maple Canyon Arch
This activity was a keeper-we are definitely doing it next year!
The scenery was spectacular!
Father's Day dinner-shish kabobs and corn on the cob
Father's Day Breakfast and then off to China...