Thursday, September 24, 2020

New calling in Stake RS Presidency, Covid, Lexi's birthday, Amy and Luke's school pics...

 We got back from Bear Lake, unpacked and got ready for the Sabbath. Tim asked LaNae to lead the Come Follow Me discussion for our Sacrament meeting on Sunday.  

LaNae was recently called to be the secretary for the Stake Relief Society.  The work went pretty well for about a month, and then we got back from Bear Lake and there was a Leadership Training meeting at 1:30 pm that LaNae completely forgot about.  She arrived very late and feeling terrible.  Somehow the meeting didn't make it to her calendar.  Must do better about transferring important dates!!!

Brian and Chloe were called to be church service missionaries serving with BYU Pathway students in Asia.  They are perfect for the job. They are excited to serve!

The next day on Monday, Amy got news at work that one of her coworkers tested positive for Covid and the teacher, all the aids and all the students had to quarantine for 2 weeks.  LaNae's work said they wanted her to quarantine too.  It was the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival which is all online this year, so LaNae go to listen to many fascinating, stories-so fun!!! Particularly Donald Davis and Regi Carpenter were so good. 

Amy got a Covid test right away and thank heavens it was NEGATIVE!!!

The beautiful fall leaves started to appear and LaNae took Luke up to the canyon to see the breathtaking views!

The other Chinese teacher where Tim works, gave us a huge stuffed Panda bear because she was decluttering.  We knew just who to give it to-the greatest panda bear loving kid of all time-Lylah!  
of course she was thrilled to get it!

Amy loves her new job working with Jr. high special needs students, and she started online classes through BYU-I.  While she was home during the quarantine, she did quite a bit of cooking-YUM!

Lexi Beth turned six years old!  Hard to believe she is six now!

Some sad news...Tim's cousin Arlo passed away suddenly and then LaNae's cousin Ryan passed away suddenly too from a seizure.  They were both very young and it was sad to loose them.  

Arlo's funeral is in New Mexico and Ryan will be buried in Tremonton, UT.

School pictures...

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