Sunday, November 17, 2019

Luke's volleyball tournament, Chloe comes over, gorgeous sunsets, Christmas decorations...

Luke had a volleyball tournament at Skyridge.  Tim took him because LaNae had a "Souper" Saturday activity for Relief Society scheduled for all morning, and then soup for lunch. Luke had a great time.

The Relief Society classes were on organization, meal planning and we got to do some painting on a canvas.  It was excellent (not LaNae's painting, but the class was fun)! Sister Albee taught how to organize our homes, and then Sister  Gifford taught us how to organize our lives. She said there are 10 big stones she always puts in first and then whatever else she can fit in is great, but she does say "No" to a lot of other things.  Her big stones are: 1) Personal prayer morning and night 2) Family prayer morning and night 3) Personal scripture study 4) Daily family scripture study 5) Family dinners together 6) Family church together on Sundays 7) Family Home Evenings on Monday night 8) Friday night date 9) Regular Temple attendance 10) SLEEP - also finding that getting a good night's sleep is very important. Sister Wardrop taught a class on meal Planning and then we learned how to paint on a canvas right before lunch.

Gorgeous sunset on our walk...

Quote for the week from 71 toes blog: When you master the seemingly impossible, it does something for you that fits into your very character for a lifetime, and makes the next impossible thing seem that much easier.”

The hard things are there to expand our capacity and to make us grow in ways we otherwise would not be able to. Then we are able to handle bigger things down the road.

Chloe came over on Wednesday to do some laundry.  
May, Lincoln, Luci Jo, Jett and Lexi were here too and they went ga-ga over baby Wesley! He is so much fun! 

 We got a head start on putting up our christmas decorations this year.  
Luke loves it so much and so do the little ones.

We took Luke shopping several times this week.  He LOVES Kikkoman low sodium soy sauce!!!

A fun blast from the past picture of Brian and Luke

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