Monday, July 1, 2019

John and Geneva's wedding, Chloe's baby shower, May and Lincoln come over, Tim and Luke's 20 mile bike ride...

In June we continued to work on the Petersen reunion preparations.  Here is a picture of Grandpa Leland and Grandma Edna Petersen.

Amy went to Helsinki, Finland to renew her visa and she got to attend the Helsinki, Finland temple for a whole day.  She loved it so much! Then transfers came and she got a new companion who is Russian and doesn't speak much English which is so good for Amy's language learning!  She loves her new companion too and is doing so well on her mission.

We celebrated Father's Day a bit late since Tim was in Cincinnati for the actual day.  
We fed him breakfast in bed (Blueberry Waffles).

John and Geneva got married the end of June in the Mt. Timpanogos temple.  
Their luncheon was at the Recreation Property building and their reception was in American Fork.
It was a spectacular day!!!

Josh and Arlie flew in from Austin Texas for the wedding and we got to see baby Cameron who is beyond adorable!

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