Monday, March 4, 2019

Talent Show, Tim goes to Long Beach, Spring Break, Sister Stout...

Tim attended a Conference for Independent School Administrators in Long Beach, California...

They also had an alumni get together and he was able to reconnect with several of his former students.

This week there was a talent show for Special Needs Mutual.  Luke has been having a hard time lately because of the yelling, but he knows the "Star Spangled Banner" so I told his leaders he would sing it for the show and we have been practicing.  Well, that remarkable young man confidently went to the front and belted that song out in the most beautiful voice ever.  It was absolutely breathtaking and when he finished, I was so touched by it that I started crying.  Couldn't help it.
It was amazing!  Singing is one of Luke's super powers!

We walked around Highland Glen Pond to get a bit of exercise.
It is still frozen over, but we are starting to have some warmer days!

Our neighbor returned from her mission to South Korea!

Sister Stout is still doing awesome in the MTC.  She got to hear Elder D. Todd Christofferson speak at the devotional this week.  She said his cute father came to hear him speak as well.  
His wife also spoke.

I sent out invitations for the Petersen reunion for this summer-it will be so fun to see extended family!

 A really neat thing happened.  We have been watching these youtube videos by Emily Freeman who is (or was) in our Stake.  She wrote that book, "Christ-Centered Christmas."  She is a seminary teacher and teaches classes on the new Come Follow Me curriculum for anyone who wants to use them in their study.  They are really good!  So she was teaching this week's Come Follow Me lesson and she said her son told her he wanted to be a dentist and she knew he had a hard time getting things out of the garbage disposal so she thought it might be tough for him to work on people's mouths so she advised him to shadow a real dentist and see if it really was something he wanted to pursue.  Sure enough, after shadowing a dentist, her son decided he would rather go into business.  Anyway, since she is a seminary teacher, she said she wanted to shadow someone and she thought who could I ask?  She thought the best person to shadow would be Christ, and so she was reading in the New Testament and found a day in the life of the Savior.  The Savior didn't begin his day by making a list, instead, he went out and ended up healing a leper, a centurion's servant, Peter's mother-in-law, Two blind men, a man who was paralyzed, a man possessed by evil spirits, Jairus's daughter, and a woman with an issue of blood. So Sister Freeman thought , what if we made some time each day for compassionate diversions that might come up in our day.  I loved that thought.

I woke up today with a urgent feeling to nail down a good date for next year's gingerbread house making party.  Cindy's family couldn't go last year and I wanted to find a good date to go.  So I wrote an email to everyone about it.  Luke was home because it was a professional day for teachers and so I took him in the car to Orem to get some Japanese food and treats because the Beehives asked me to teach a night about Japan tomorrow for YW.  While we were in Orem, I got the feeling to go visit Wendy which we did, and then I got the feeling to go visit David.  Anyways, I just realized that it is the anniversary of Grandma Stout's passing (March 4) and I feel the veil was thin today and I was able to follow promptings to do things that would be important to her.  It was a neat experience.

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