Thursday, December 27, 2018

Swimming for FHE, Leland moves into his new apartment, YM visit Luke, Grandkids, Visiting Mr. Harris, Christmas festivities...

 Leland moved into his new apartment and is starting a new job as a phlebotomist.  He has loved going to the single's Ward and being around people his own age!

 Our sweet grandkids visited-we love them so much!

Luke has been saying "HARRIS" over and over as of late.  Harris was his impressionable elementary school teacher and it just so happened that he invited Luke to his annual Christmas we went!  t was great for Luke to see his old teacher again...

We went swimming at the Legacy Center for FHE

We got a fun package from Keiko Yasuno...

Tim and LaNae went to the temple for the last time in 2018

Tim and Leland went snowboarding at Brighton

Stout Christmas Party

The annual Stout Christmas Party was held at a church this year, they had some mistletoe hanging up.  The kids enjoyed acting out the nativity, we had a fabulous dinner and watched some old family videos from years past.  It was fantastic!

The Young Men came over to our house to hang out with Luke and play some games.  
It was so nice of them-Luke loved it!

Amy was invited to attend the Christmas phone call for her good friend, Blake, who is serving in Guatemala 

 Christmas Day Dinner

 The Choates came on Sunday and we had a ham dinner.  actually there was a bit of a disaster when LaNae put a pyrex dish on a live burner, accidentally, and it exploded...sending glass flying everywhere.  Fortunately no one was hurt and we were able to get it cleaned up. After dinner, we acted out the nativity with the Choate kids...

We decorated gingerbread houses and Christmas sugar cookies, played the present game.  Mindy and Eric were so kind to give us many lovely gifts.  The Choate kids had a sleepover and we watched Christmas movies and popped popcorn.  So fun!!!

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