Thursday, November 29, 2018

Uncle Jerry passed away, Brian's birthday, Thanksgiving, Gingerbread House Decorating Party

Luke's class collected items to donate to the Literacy Center and then they delivered them on a field trip.

Uncle Jerry passed away on November 14th and we went to the funeral in Orem.  Cousins came from miles around including California and Texas.  Uncle Dee drove all the way from California with some of his kids.  Uncle Mark and aunt vickie were there too.

We got to work on thanksgiving...

Amy put a little fresh rosemary in the mashed potatoes this year and it was amazing!!!

It was Brian's birthday and he requested chocolate pie, so we made two...

We sang the traditional Choate birthday song to him and he blew out the candles...

We made 7 pies this year-2 chocolate, a pecan, 2 pumpkin, a blueberry sour cream, and an apple crisp-yum!

Brian opened presents...

It was nice to have Amy down from BYUI...

After the Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations, some of the kids did a bit of Black Friday shopping.  Tim bought a game for Nintendo Switch and the kids had a blast playing it until late at night...

Luke joined in and loved it too.  It is great exercise!

Amy truly outdid herself by making the most perfect chocolate chip cookies I have ever had!

We decorated for Christmas on Friday and then had the Gingerbread House Decorating Party on Saturday...

Here is a little trick for filling up the icing bags...

The littles had fun playing downstairs...

After the Gingerbread party, we went to Spanish fork for Alyssa's bridal shower...

Luke went to Zumba this week and loved it!

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