Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Alpine Loop, Amy's first week at college, TODD COMES HOME!!!

I took Luke for a drive on the Alpine Loop.  The leaves are already changing colors and it is GORGEOUS!!!

Luke went to Special Needs Mutual on Thursday and had fun with the theme-PIRATES! ARGGG!

Amy came home from her first week at BYU I and wanted to go to Chili's at 11:00 pm.  so we did!  What a first week it was!  She is loving college life and has the most fantastic roommates.  Whew!

We decorated the house for Todd's arrival and headed to the airport...

We gathered at the airport at 2:19 pm on Friday for the arrival of Todd from his mission to Tokyo, Japan.

It was fantastic to see him again and we had so much fun hearing of his experiences.

Lincoln was born just after Todd left and he looks so much like Todd does.  
It was great to have them finally meet!
Todd with Rick and Kelsee's family

Todd with Brian and Chloe

Todd and Amy
Todd and Luke

 John and Stephen came to the airport to welcome him home too-so nice to have them there!

Rick and Brian got their first customer who was not a relative.  they are from Illinois!

Amy had to head back to Idaho, but it was great to have her for the weekend

Rick came over to see Todd on Sunday afternoon.  Todd has had fun catching up with friends and family. Todd's mission president who completed his mission in July, was called to serve in the Provo MTC.

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